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Welcome to Legacy Pilates & STRENGTH.
Located in the heart of Croydon.
Reformer Pilates | Strength classes | Cardio Strength Fusion | Breathwork | Hot Pilates
Coaching Mindset Experience | 
Meditation | Yoga

Mind. Body. Spirit.

Everything you are looking for right with one membership.
A performance based fitness studio that is a one stop shop for all fitness levels wanting to improve their strength though functional training, Pilates & Yoga. 
We truly endeavour to leave a lasting impact/legacy with each person who walks through the legacy doors. 
Empowering & educating clients to help reach their ultimate goals. 

A note from Andi Hatten (visionary of LEGACY).
This studio was established in 2019.
A dedication to my Father - Ronald Ernest Hatten. My angel & my personal cheerleader in life. 
This LEGACY lives with our family & I am here today to pass all my treasures to you. 
Whether it is through fitness, building strength, empowerment or even mindset coaching.
Myself & the incredible team you see in the studio are all here to be your personal cheerleaders & encourage you to hit all the goals you set for yourself through the
LEGACY experience. 
Together we will all leaveaLEGACY.
I hope you enjoy your experience with us.

Love Andi.

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